I love poussin. When cooked correctly it is so much nicer than chicken. The meat is so tender and juicy. You’ll be seeing a lot more spatchcocked poussin recipes here in future.
They are perfect for the BBQ but today it was just a bit too cold outside to do the BBQ thing so I made these in the kitchen. Actually, that’s a lie. I barbecue in the snow. I just couldn’t be bothered to get the thing fired up and ready.
This recipe is best cooked indoors anyway so no one was disappointed. 🙂
Removing the back bone of the poussin is quite easy. Nothing goes to waste in my house so I used them to make a poussin stock for tomorrow night’s dinner – Â pea soup.
If want to skip the boning stage, that’s not a problem. Just cook them as they were made. I like to serve my poussin flat though. I don’t really know why. I just do.
Spatchcocked Poussin With Garlic and Madeira